Minature Generative Art
Sometimes something simple can turn out to generate the most beautiful things. Following you will find a few lines of code that present a beautiful pattern. library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) Oval Curve n <- 300 t1 <- 1:n t0 <- seq(3,2*n+1,2) %% n t2 <- t0 + (t0 == 0)*n df <- data.frame(x = cos((t1-1)*2*pi/n), y = sin((t1-1)*2*pi/n), x2 = cos((t2-1)*2*pi/n), y2 = sin((t2-1)*2*pi/n)) ggplot(df,aes(x,y,xend = x2,yend = y2)) + geom_segment(alpha = ....
Text Generation
IN PROGRESS Text Generation (Generative Texr) is a very interesting field of study. There are a number of different packages that help generate the lists of words to give the user a better understanding of the technology. Tracery The following Node library gives a structure which is used to generate random words that are assigned to lexical structure that is defined by the user. centar : { animal : ["wolf","bear","tiger","lion","snake","anteater"], fruit : ["banana","tomato","cherry","strawberry","starfruit"], said : ["purring", "whispering", "saying", "murmurring", "growling"], timeofday : ["morning","evening","dusk","dawn","afternoon","breakfast","breakfast"], lastSyl : "a ia ea u y en am is on an o io i el ios ax ox ix ex izz ius ian ean ekang anth"....
Cloud Fractals, Blooms, and Spinning Parametrics
The Creator’s Formula is made up of four key elements: defined purpose, experienced creativity, flawless execution, and emotional -Alan Phillips Hello fellow readers, Hope your Friday morning / afternoon is going well. There are a number of interesting links below for you to digest and swallow. And for just a little inspiration… If you haven’t seen the work by Tyler Boswell definitely check out his work September Have a wonderful weekend!...