Peruvian Swim

Hi! My name is Chris Ried!

I am a artist who loves to learn and who happens to use technology to mine it. I’ve spent much of the last 10 years exploring many different mediums and applications.

As an artist, or creative technologist or whatever you might want to call it.

My life’s calling always has been to create, tinker, learn..

I love to explore for the sake of finding the small moments “the glitch in the matrix” or the “wrinkle in the fabric of time” to document the secrets of the universe that present themselves.


  • 1986 - Born in Frankfurt, Germany
  • 1997 - Moved to the USA
  • 2000 - Built first website
  • 2001 - First introduced to Flash / Photoshop
  • 2003 - Took a “Masters Certificate” in Multimedia Design from
  • 2007 - Attended Rochester Institute of Technology
  • 2010 - Graduated from RIT in Biotechnology / Applied Mathematics and moved to Nashville, TN
  • 2017 - Married my partner and best friend
  • 2018 - Started posting first images on Instagram
  • 2020 - Started Generative Collective Weekly
  • 2021 - and
  • 2021 - Released on FXHash
  • 2021 - Started CBayes Media Labs